Many of the medical issues the everyday person experiences may not be due to acute causes, trauma, or underlying medical conditions, but rather lifestyle choices and living conditions. Lifestyle medicine is the practice of treating the whole body and mind holistically with a blend of preventative and reactive care. In many cases, people suffering from long-term medical issues can overcome some or all of their symptoms with lifestyle changes.
Lifestyle medicine, also known as holistic medicine, aims to enable a healthier lifestyle. Some of the most common causes of ailments treatable with lifestyle medicine include chronic stress, poor diet, alcohol consumption, sedentary lifestyles, and addiction disorders. If you are curious about how holistic medicine could improve your health, here are a few key facts about lifestyle medicine.
There is much more to lifestyle medicine than diet and exercise.
While it’s true that many lifestyle medicine caregivers suggest dietary changes and exercise regimens to improve health outcomes, there is much more to holistic medicine. A well-rounded holistic care plan should address everything from sleeping habits and diet to social interaction, stress management, and physical activity.
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Many common diseases are preventable and treatable with lifestyle changes.
Many individuals undergo expensive and invasive treatments to combat the symptoms they experience each day, but this is not the only option for many of these people. Lifestyle changes can dramatically improve a person’s physical and mental well-being in dramatic ways, typically without the appearance of side effects as seen with conventional pharmaceutical or surgical treatments.
Lifestyle medicine is cheaper than conventional reactive treatment.
Many reactive disease treatments involve expensive drugs and medical procedures that entail their own risks and side effects. By comparison, a holistic care plan could be as simple as sticking to a few basic lifestyle changes, such as everyday physical activity or adding certain foods to one’s diet.
Lifestyle medicine can encourage cultivation of healthier habits and lead to new opportunities.
It’s not uncommon for a person to undergo lifestyle medicine treatment and discover whole new ways to have fun, forge new relationships, and discover new hobbies. These are beneficial perks of lifestyle medicine that can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling life.
Lifestyle medicine is empowering.
Through holistic lifestyle treatment, a person can discover better ways of living that help them make better choices in the future. A treatment cycle based on lifestyle medicine can eventually lead a person toward naturally making better choices.
While this lifestyle medicine is a relatively new way to treat chronic illness, it is vital for anyone struggling with long-term medical issues to consider the potential value of making a few small changes in their everyday habits. These small changes can eventually lead to bigger changes and ultimately help one avoid the negative side effects and risks that come with conventional disease treatment.
To learn more about Lifestyle Medicine, visit the American Academy of Lifestyle Medicine.
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